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Israel jumps out of Gaza. Netanyahu’s visit to the US will be eclipsed by the new political outlook in the US as Biden finally resigns. Kamala Harris will replace him.

Israel strikes a major blow against Hamas military leaders. Trump survives assassination attempt, wins Republican nomination and selects Vance as running mate.

The Labour Party returns to power in the UK, while the Leftist coalition (Nouveau Front Populaire) surprises in the second round, undermining Marine Le Pen’s chances. Biden Still in the race after a disastrous debate.

Israel Supreme court rules that ultra-orthodox should be drafted into the military forces pressuring Netanyahu. Political Elections in the UK and France. Everything is ready for Biden-Trump debate in a very tight race

This study demonstrates how expenditures between regions can be used to estimate domestic tourism, and gain further insights into its dynamics. We discuss additional use cases of the methodology, and offer suggestions on how it can be specializ…

Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet. Political noise is on the rise in France. Trump warnings on US aid to Ukraine if elected

GDP expanded 5.3% YoY in April. This result was influenced by the fact that some activities were affected by two more days of productive activity given that Easter was celebrated in April last year, while this year it was scheduled in March.

Increasing pressure for Netanyahu to accept Biden’s ceasefire plan. The far right won positions on European elections shaking the politics in some of the larger countries.

The BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator reported an increase of 2.7% MaM in May, with real figures adjusted for seasonality; by components, the largest increase was recorded in the services segment, with a variation of 4.0%, while spen…

Israel and Hamas truce discussions. Tensions between Russia and Western countries on weapons attacking Russia. Sheinbaum wins Mexican election.

Israel faces waves of condemnation after a strike in Rafah camp. Spain, Ireland and Norway recognize Palestine as a State. Spain provided military support to Ukraine

The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Israel and Hamas Leaders. The Iranian President and Foreign Ministry died in Helicopter crash.