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October 1, 2024

Argentina Economic Outlook. October 2024

The government maintains a firm commitment to fiscal balance while upholding a "zero monetary issuance" policy for all items arising from the public sector. The slowdown in inflation has stalled since May, remaining around 4% monthly, and economic activity shows signs that the recession may have ended in Q2 2024.

May 6, 2024

Mexico | Public spending driven by subsidies, transfers and contributions in 1Q24

Tax revenue was MXN 8,922 million (0.03% of GDP) below budget since the excise taxes on fuels intake was below budget despite its real annual increment of 195.1% in 1Q24.

February 6, 2024

Mexico | Debt servicing costs increase public spending

Public revenue in 2023 was MXN 84,326 million (0.27% of GDP) below budget due to lower oil-related income as international prices of a crude oil barrel went down.

January 10, 2024

Country Risk Annual Report 2024

Agencies’ ratings have remained relatively stable during 2023. Changes have been mostly positive in peripheral Europe, while US and France were downgraded by Fitch. The rating cycle has been mostly negative for Emerging Economies (EE), mainly due to specific idiosyncratic vulnerabilities.

November 8, 2023

Mexico | Pemex’s expenditures contribute to public balance improvement

Public revenue in the first semester was MXN 157,650 million (0.5% of GDP) below budget due to lower oil-related income as international prices of a crude oil barrel went down.

October 23, 2023

China | Will the country enter into "Japanization" and "balance sheet recession"?

The report aims to identify the fundamental differences between China and Japan, highlighting key distinctions to conclude that China will not experience "Japanization" or a "balance sheet recession."

August 25, 2023

Mexico | Fiscal reform proposal

The next federal government will face a strong pressure on its public finances derived from current spending, pensions and the needs of higher physical investment.