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By the end of 2023, the Mexican economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2%, with an extraordinary growth of 15.6% in construction and differentiated effects at the regional level. The dynamism of services underpins growth in 2023; Wholesale and Retail grew 3.9% and 4.1%, respectively.

Lower gas prices, reduced demand and an increased use of renewable energies are the key factors driving a reduction in wholesale electricity prices across Europe. Futures contracts are pointing towards a stabilization of prices in the medium term.

Cities can adopt either sprawling or compact designs, and their growth trajectory is determined by land disposition and zoning regulations. This can impact livelihoods, health, and mobility patterns. In Colombia, capital cities tend to exhibit …

The reduction in electricity prices in Europe is attributed to the reversal of supply shocks and a decrease in demand. The definitive impact of renewable energies will be delayed until advances in storage systems are achieved, allowing for more…

Javier Milei's government took office aiming to have a less regulated and more market friendly economy with the private sector as the main driver of economic growth. The core of his macroeconomic policy is to achieve fiscal equilibrium and elim…

The production of liquid hydrocarbons in the fourth quarter of 2023 showed a quarterly decrement of 15.3 thousand barrels a day due to a reduction of 21.7 thousand barrels a day of Pemex’s crude oil production despite an increase of 7.0 thousand barrels a day of condensates.

The oil market remains at the center of the global spotlight. This has been the case for some months now due to the outbreak of the war between Israel and Hamas, a confrontation reminiscent of the most difficult moments of the oil market in the 1970s.

This article analyzes the main advances in the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), approved in the US in 2022. With a total budget of 416 billion dollars, it is the largest climate investment in the history of that country.

The intensity of GHG emissions in scope 3 of the sectors of activity of the Spanish economy, estimated by BBVA Research with input-output analysis, generally maintains a downward trend, with notable advances in intensive sectors subject to the …

In 2022, Spain’s greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions increased due to the post-pandemic recovery and a more carbon-intensive energy mix. The sectoral analysis shows progress in emissions intensity, particularly in the most polluting activities, al…

In 2021, Mexico contributed 1.4% of global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, ranking it in second place in Latin America. Mexico's main emissions in 2021 were carbon dioxide (63.9%), methane (27.7%) and nitrous oxide (5.1%). By sources of origin, the energy and agricultural sectors stand out.

In 2023, the price of Brent crude averaged USD 82.5, falling from over USD 100 in 2022, driven by the war between Russia and Ukraine, although its trend over the past year has been somewhat erratic and dominated by a wide array of events.