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The GDP of the Canary Islands will increase to 2.6% in 2024 and 1.6% in 2025, which will allow it to create 49,000 new people in the community in those two years.

GDP in Castile and Leon could increase by 2.0% in 2024 and 1.8% in 2025, which would create 27,000 new jobs in the region in the biennium

By the end of 2023, the Mexican economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2%, with an extraordinary growth of 15.6% in construction and differentiated effects at the regional level. The dynamism of services underpins growth in 2023; Wholesale and Ret…

The GDP of the Balearic Islands could increase by 2.5% in 2024 and 1.7% in 2025, which would allow the creation of 28,000 new jobs in the region in the biennium

According to BBVA card and POS data, during Easter 2024, total tourist spending fell 2.2% year-on-year compared to the same holiday period last year.

The national unemployment rate in February 2024 was 11.7%, higher than the 11.4% in February 2023. On the year to February, employment grew 1.2% (260 thousand jobs), down from 2.5% (533 thousand jobs) in January 2024, continuing the trend of slowing annual job creation.

At the end of 2023 we find opposite results in the Real Estate market. Construction presents historical results, growth rates well above the average in different indicators. The housing market is contracting with figures as of November 2023. In both cases, we estimate that in 2024 both sectors will reverse the trends

The January 2024 national unemployment rate was 12.7%, down from 13.7% in January 2023. Seasonally adjusted, the national rate decreased by 0.4 percentage points (p.p.) between December 2023 and January 2024, although it remains above the value…

The analysis of how climate-related acute physical events affect the economy must consider their unique aspects: brief duration and specific localization. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are instrumental in this analysis, for which three c…

Andalusia's GDP will grow by 1.5% in 2024 and 2.5% in 2025. This will allow 175 thousand jobs to be created in the two-year period and reduce the unemployment rate to 15.7% in 2025.

The GDP of Castilla-La Mancha will grow by 1.3% in 2024 and will accelerate to 2.7% in 2025. This will allow the creation of 42 thousand jobs in the two-year period and reduce the unemployment rate to 12.2% in 2025.

Murcia's GDP will grow by 1.6% in 2024 and 2.5% in 2025. This will allow 34 thousand jobs to be created in the two-year period and reduce the unemployment rate to 11.5% in 2025.