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In 2024, remittances in dollars grew by 17.7%, accumulating 6,634 million between January and July. However, this growth was lower in Colombian pesos due to a lower exchange rate. The depreciation of the exchange rate in the second half of the year is expected to further boost their value in pesos.

Growth figures for the economy in the second half of the year will improve compared to those observed in the first half of the year, however, this will not be enough. It is necessary to take actions in the short and medium term to boost growth and avoid costly damages.

In 2023, there was a significant reduction in poverty, with 33% of the population classified as poor, compared to 36.6% in 2022 and 39.7% in 2021, and there was an important progress in closing some poverty gaps.

On August 10, Coneval published the official measurement of poverty in Mexico, which contemplates the components of social rights together with that of income, and found that in 2022 there were 46.8 million people in a situation of poverty (36.…

The global economy offers households no respite. After the turbulent years of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, 2022 kicked off with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, increasing the high geopolitical uncertainty and an unprecedented level of inflat…

Big Data techniques used

A description of the social situation of Colombians, not only with figures on poverty and income, gender gaps, labor market, among others, but also identifying its determinants, their performance and some policy proposals to achieve a better social balance of the country.

The behavior of labor poverty of the Mexican population is presented for the first quarter of 2022. The decrease in labor poverty is mainly due to two factors: the increase in real labor income per capita of 6.7% and the increase of 3.1 million in the working population.

Once the last reform decision did not restrict the increase in spending and did not eliminate the actuarial imbalance, the sustainability of the pension system will involve a constant increase in taxation and transfers from central government, …

One of the roles of Social Security is to provide insurance in the form of retirement pensions. Society is faced with the challenge of ensuring that Social Security provides this social policy through a sustainable and adequate pension system.

The trends that will determine consumption are: a more digital environment (consumer-banking-commerce), a heterogeneous income recovery, lower savings, more stable weekday spending, greater importance of regions and intermediate cities, and a g…

Big Data techniques used

Millennials played a critical role in reopening during the pandemic. 20 million Millennials worked in the second half of 2020, which is almost 1 in 3 active workers. The current income of a Millennial amounted to 7,251 pesos per month, that of Generation X was 12.3% higher (8,141 pesos).

In 9 out of 10 households, there was a fall in labor income. The lag in the labor market's recovery prevails, with high levels of unemployment, underemployment and informality, and a slow creation of formal employment.