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The challenges of the Colombian economy are presented in aspects such as pandemic, reactivation and recovery, employment, education and a condition of life with less poverty and more support in old age.

Social Security affiliation grew by 91,500 people in July and unemployment fell by 197,800. BBVA Research estimates that employment rose by 67,000 seasonally adjusted and unemployment fell by 181,000. However, the number of workers with limited activity still exceeds 551,000.

Timid and less timely countercyclical policies, structural lags and problems of uncertainty for investment are behind the greater decline and the prospects for a slower recovery expected for Mexico.

The GDP of Madrid may shrink by 11.3% this year and grow by 5.4% in 2021, losing 29,000 jobs. The impact of the crisis was heterogeneous by sectors, municipalities and personal characteristics. Public policies allow for less job destruction, bu…

Incoming data suggest the gradual recovery in economic activity is still underway. Our monthly GDP indicator signals economic activity to grow at 3.3% YoY, slightly lower than 4Q16 growth of 3.5%. We think that lagged impacts of Government ince…

4Q16 GDP grew by 3.5% YoY, significantly above the market and our expectation of 1.9%. Accordingly, full year GDP growth came in at 2.9%. Surging private consumption and much higher than expected growth in industry were the main sources of our bias. Our monthly GDP model signals a further recovery in 1Q17, suggesting a v-sh…