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The indebtedness of different agents remains below that of peers. The composition of external debt has been shifting among the borrowers since 2018. There is the increasing trend led by public, compared to the ongoing decline in the private sector.

Javier Milei's government took office aiming to have a less regulated and more market friendly economy with the private sector as the main driver of economic growth. The core of his macroeconomic policy is to achieve fiscal equilibrium and eliminate monetary issuance to cover public spending as of 2024.

Improved financial conditions for households and businesses, facilitated by anticipated lower interest rates and inflation, will pave the way for a gradual economic recovery in Colombia throughout 2024, solidifying by 2025. We project a 1.5% GD…

In February, the Big Data Consumption and Investment Indicators suggest that domestic demand has been showing a better performance in the first months of the year 2024. In the case of the Total Investment indicator, there was a significant acce…

Remittance income in Colombia reached US$10,091 million in 2023 and represented 2.8% of GDP. This external income should be taken full advantage of, as it materializes in greater opportunities to cover basic expenses, pay for education and cont…

The growth of the Colombian economy was exceptionally low in 2023, registering at 0.6%. The primary culprit for this outcome was the steep decline in investment. Concerns extend beyond the short term, as the low investment rates will constrain the future productive capacity of the economy and curtail its competitiveness.

In January, the Consumer Big Data index accelerated its growth (+4.6% YoY; December 2023: +2.6% YoY). Over the same period, the Big Data Investment index showed significant growth (+26.6% YoY; December 2023: +4.2% YoY).

According to the BBVA Big Data Consumption Tracker, in December, the real annual variation in consumption was 5.1%, moderating compared to November. At the seasonally adjusted level, there was a monthly contraction of 0.6%.

In December, the Big Data Consumption index registered its first expansion (+2,6% YoY), something that had not occurred since February. During the same period, the Investment Big Data Index showed an increase for the third consecutive month (+4…

In 2022, 34.7 million adults had at least one formal financial product in Colombia. This is more than fourteen million more than in 2012. With this, in the last decade, the percentage of adults with some financial product increased from 67.2% t…

Christmas changes Colombians' consumption habits. In this opinion column we look at what the official DANE figures and our BBVA Big Data Consumption Tracker data say about household spending trends in December.

In November, the Big Data Consumption index registered a new YoY contraction, although lower than in previous months. In the same period, the Big Data Investment index grew YoY for the second consecutive month.