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Domestic demand is driving Colombia's economic recovery, with GDP projected to grow by 2.0% in 2024 and up to 3.5% by 2026. Investment and consumption, particularly in durable goods, will fuel growth, while inflation and interest rates continue to decline.

The Big Data Consumption Index moderated its growth in September, in a context of lower pension fund withdrawals. Meanwhile, the Big Data Investment Index (private and public) continued to decline in the same period, associated with the still weak private component.

The government maintains a firm commitment to fiscal balance while upholding a "zero monetary issuance" policy for all items arising from the public sector. The slowdown in inflation has stalled since May, remaining around 4% monthly, and econo…

Domestic demand will lead Colombia’s economic recovery, driven by improved financial conditions that will strengthen consumption and investment. This will provide a significant boost to sectors such as manufacturing and retail. In the long run,…

The BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator grew 2.1% MaM in August, bringing the average annual variation of the first eight months of the year to 9.1%, 2.3 pp below that observed in the same period of the year former.

Big Data techniques used

The Big Data Consumption Index maintained a good performance in August, in a context of extraordinary withdrawals from pension funds. Meanwhile, the Big Data Investment Index showed a new contraction in August, where the private component appears to be showing weakness.

Big Data techniques used

In 2024, remittances in dollars grew by 17.7%, accumulating 6,634 million between January and July. However, this growth was lower in Colombian pesos due to a lower exchange rate. The depreciation of the exchange rate in the second half of the year is expected to further boost their value in pesos.

The Big Data Consumption Index maintained a good performance in July, in an environment of lower inflation and interest rates, and the continuation of provisional fund withdrawals. On the other hand, the Big Data Investment Indicator continued …

Big Data techniques used

The indebtedness of the private sector remains below that of peer countries, though signs of deterioration in NPL ratios started to be seen. Banks’ FC liquid assets are solid enough to cover their ST external debt. FC credit evolution and swap …

The Big Data Consumption Index accelerated in June, in an environment of lower inflation and interest rates, and the initiation of payments for provisional fund withdrawals. On the other hand, the Big Data Investment Indicator accentuated its c…

After a weak GDP growth of 0.4% in 2023, activity will grow 3.2% in 2024 due to the recovery of the agricultural sector, hydroelectric power generation and private consumption. Even so, reforms are needed to gain competitiveness and maintain a sustainable growth path.

The recent increase in inflation, not seen in decades, has shown our aversion to the constant escalation of prices. Although inflation has already fallen, it is expected to stay above 3%, and around 2.5% in 2025, affected by the performance of the cost of services.