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This press article contains some indicators from the point of view of consumers, and public and private companies related to the reduction in the use of cash in Mexico after the pandemic and mentions some of its challenges.

The Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) preliminarily determined that there are no conditions of effective competition in the retail e-commerce market (marketplaces) in Mexico, proposing a series of corrective measures in order to restore conditions of effective competition.

Mobile banking represents a turning point in traditional banking and a new paradigm for the financial system. The study seeks to show the most current statistics regarding the main trends in access, having and use of this technology and to offe…

BBVA Research and the Mexican Association of Private Industrial Parks (AMPIP) conducted a survey to quantify and anticipate the effects of nearshoring in Mexico. Results assert the interest of companies to operate in Mexico and anticipate more …

There are challenges in telecommunications infrastructure and financial education for mobile banking to have a greater influence on the access and use of financial services.

Economic progress and welfare depend in the long run on innovation, productivity, and employment. The digital revolution and the energy transition are an opportunity for Spanish society, but also a considerable challenge.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has positioned itself as a key element for development. That is why the NGEU has endowed Spain with 500 million euros. This study characterizes the use of AI in Spanish companies, analyzing the involvement of their workers, the type of technology used and the purpose of its use.

Both the processes of financial inclusion and digitalization have great potential for dissemination in LATAM, both of which are key to promoting well-being and productivity in the region.

AI is a set of techniques to perform activities which have required human intelligence until now. Despite being in its infancy, it’s proving to be of great interest to researchers, companies and governments around the world. We explore its curr…

In the urgency of transforming the world into a more sustainable place, the process of digitalization of the economy must be established in a sound and homogeneous way. BBVA Research's DiGiX index depicts the digital frontiers defined by the di…

We presented the results of a Randomized Control Test (RCT) to people who received nudges through SMS in order to promote financial health variables. The target population was about 95,000 people in two age groups: 27 to 38 and 39 to 56 years old.

In the current global socio-economic context, and especially after the COVID-19 crisis, digitization and sustainability have become key elements of economic and social transformation, being particularly relevant to understand and analyze how both interact.