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September 6, 2024
Global | AI and Climate: Disruptive Potential Amid Growing Resource Strain
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds great potential for boosting economic productivity and driving climate action, supporting innovations for the energy transition. However, it also places increasing strain on energy and water resources.
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April 1, 2024
Mexico | Advances and challenges around the use of cash
This press article contains some indicators from the point of view of consumers, and public and private companies related to the reduction in the use of cash in Mexico after the pandemic and mentions some of its challenges.
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February 26, 2024
Global | Large Language Models, with data from all and... for all
Large Language Models have revolutionized the Artificial Intelligence (AI) landscape since they were first developed in 2017 when a group of Google researchers wrote their now famous "Attention is all you need".
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February 16, 2024
México | Platform Competition: Cofece under the spotlight
The Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) preliminarily determined that there are no conditions of effective competition in the retail e-commerce market (marketplaces) in Mexico, proposing a series of corrective measures in order to restore conditions of effective competition.
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January 17, 2024
Mexico | Mobile banking: the future or the present?
Mobile banking represents a turning point in traditional banking and a new paradigm for the financial system. The study seeks to show the most current statistics regarding the main trends in access, having and use of this technology and to offer some perspectives in the years to come.
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November 7, 2023
Global | The Use of Natural Language & Large Language Models for Analysis
Presentation given at the "Economic Predicitions with Big Data" event organized by FUNCAS. In this presentation we discuss the use of natural language processing and large language models for economic and social analysis.
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October 2, 2023
Global | Big Data for 21st century statistics: the future is now!
We are witnessing significant revisions of the national accounts of various countries, including those published last week by the INE in Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, or Germany and the Netherlands two months ago. Most of them reveal that GDP grew more than initially estimated.
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July 10, 2023
Mexico | Nearshoring Outlook: Mexico’s Industrial Parks Association survey
BBVA Research and the Mexican Association of Private Industrial Parks (AMPIP) conducted a survey to quantify and anticipate the effects of nearshoring in Mexico. Results assert the interest of companies to operate in Mexico and anticipate more firms to arrive within the next couple of years.
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