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The health crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved over the two years since the virus was first detected. In this Working Paper we analyze how this evolution has been in Spain during 2021.

The first quarter has seen much more doubt surrounding the economy in Europe than America. The latest wave of the pandemic is severely impacting the largest countries in the area. The situation will improve though, with the acceleration of vaccination drives and the knock-on effect of increased growth in the United States.

As it stands, the best health and economic policy for Europe and Spain would be a massive drive to quickly vaccinate the population against COVID-19. Given the supply restrictions on deliveries, vaccines must be optimized so that they can be ad…

For both health and economic reasons, the best policy is to speed up COVID-19 vaccinations as much as possible. It is currently the most profitable social and economic investment. However, it requires anticipation in regard to logistics, infras…