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BBVA Research, BBVA Foundation and CONAPO book in eight chapters: 1) Global Migration, 2) International Students, 3) Mexican Emigration, 4) Human Mobilities in Mexico, 5) Migration and Health, 6) Migrant Children, 7) Remittances and 8) Fact Sheets by Federal Entity.

In March, remittances hit a new high at 4,152 million USD. Considering the immigration encounters (apprehensions, inadmissions and expulsions) in the U.S., in March 2021, about 62,000 Mexican immigrants were detained, their highest level in a single month, possibly since the end of the last global financial recession.

45.9% of women and 31.3% of men who sent remittances do so to cover health expenses (medical attention, medicines, laboratory tests, hospital, etc.) in households in Mexico. By the end of 2020, remittances could reach USD $ 39.4 billion, + 8.1%…