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In 2023, there was a significant reduction in poverty, with 33% of the population classified as poor, compared to 36.6% in 2022 and 39.7% in 2021, and there was an important progress in closing some poverty gaps.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

The futures market is almost fully pricing in that the Fed will cut rates by 50 bps this year (95% implied chances) and continue to anticipate roughly 100 bps worth of rate cuts next year. Markets are certain of a rate cut in September, but are…

Israel jumps out of Gaza. Netanyahu’s visit to the US will be eclipsed by the new political outlook in the US as Biden finally resigns. Kamala Harris will replace him.

In a particularly turbulent environment such as this, it is worth highlighting the calm, rationality, consistency as well as humility with which central banks are implementing their monetary policy.

Savings in Colombia have decreased, affecting investment in key sectors. Increasing disposable income and savings is crucial to fostering economic growth. Policies should focus on promoting savings and productive investment.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

Israel strikes a major blow against Hamas military leaders. Trump survives assassination attempt, wins Republican nomination and selects Vance as running mate.

The EU's aspirations for sustainability, competitiveness, and resilience hinge on its ability to close the innovation gap with the US in disruptive technologies. This requires a dual approach: significantly increasing targeted public funding an…

Higher interest rates have had no significant effect on risk assets. Ample liquidity, the soft landing of the economy and contained corporate and household balance sheets are behind this trend.

In the face of increasing evidence of the consequences of human-caused climate change, inaction is not an option. Climate mitigation and adaptation policies must be further promoted, including appropriate incentives to finance investment needs of uncertain estimation.

Climate investment needs depend on both the definition of what is needed and the reference scenario for climate change. All in all, for keeping “net zero” within the realm of possibility there is a funding gap to close by both public and, mainly, private sources. Appropriate incentives for private funding are key.