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    The United States is going to strengthen its infrastructure; Mexico should follow suit

    Published on Friday, November 19, 2021

    The United States is going to strengthen its infrastructure; Mexico should follow suit


    Last Tuesday, Joe Biden, president of the United States, signed a plan that will allocate 1.2 trillion dollars to the infrastructure of his country.

    Key points

    • Key points:
    • This will be positive for the US economy because, assuming correct implementation, it will contribute to increasing the rate of economic growth going forward.
    • It is a program that will build new ports, highways, dams, airports, public transport and bridges.
    • In addition, the existing infrastructure will be improved, highlighting the railway in which investment has been minimal for decades and which lags far behind the European and Japanese.
    • All this will allow a more efficient transit of people and goods, which will increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the economy.




    Carlos Serrano BBVA Research - Chief Economist

    Documents and files

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    Press article (PDF)


    Spanish - November 19, 2021

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