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New vehicle sales were 16.9 million in 2019, 1.7% less than in 2018. Although still solid, 2019 sales were the lowest since 2014. We expect new car sales to slow down further in 2020, due to slower economic growth and less affordable vehicles.

The car industry is definitely turning to developing and marketing electric vehicles. Worldwide, the investment already announced is around $90 billion, and it is forecast to continue growing. It is also expected that big car manufacturers will have dozens of new electric models on sale to the public in the next few years.

Ajuste del sector automotor en línea con el crecimiento económico. Las ventas de autos serán de 260 mil unidades en 2016. Continuará el ajuste de las importaciones y el aumento de cuota de mercado del ensamblaje nacional. En 2017 las ventas de…

Lowering restrictions on direct distribution could benefit consumers and promote innovation. Autonomous cars and over-the-air updates offer safety and convenience gains. Prevalence of ride-sharing services demonstrates shifting perception of pu…

After seasonal adjustaments, BBVA Research estimates indicate that the number of registered passenger cars rose more than expected in May . Both the individual channel, helped by the adoption of PIVE-8, as the professional contributed positive…

After seasonal adjustments, BBVA Research estimates pointed to a higher reduction of passenger car registrations than expected. The end of vehicle incentive purchase plan (PIVE) and reduced demand after Easter led to a negative contribution from all channels to the evolution of sales

BBVA Research estimates that the number of passenger car registrations in March surprised to the upside, after seasonal adjustments. All channels contributed positively to the performance of sales. On balance, the first quarter closed with a quarterly increase of 12%

IX Congreso Nacional sobre el crédito al consumo, Madrid (25 de marzo de 2015)