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The automotive sector once again had an outstanding performance among the different sectors of the economy despite the adverse local macroeconomic context that led to a significant increase in commercial debt with its headquarters. We expect 2024 to be a year with mixed results.

New vehicle sales have tended to stabilize since 2021, with a higher share of utility vehicles, a lower share of cars and strong growth in cargo vehicles. In 2022 and 2023 we estimate sales similar to the 250 thousand units of 2021. Sales of motorcycles and used vehicles have shown great traction.

Auto sales rebounded 12.2% yoy in 1Q21, averaging 17 million units (SAAR). Meanwhile, April sales reached 18.5 million units (SAAR), the highest in 15 years.

U.S. battening down the hatches after exiting eye of the storm. Fed pause a precursor to further action? Auto sales outlook: health concerns at the wheel. Housing market conditions and outlook.

COVID-19 will have a negative impact on vehicle sales through 2020 due to lockdowns and economic contraction. The worst impact is likely to be felt in 2Q.

New vehicle sales were 16.9 million in 2019, 1.7% less than in 2018. Although still solid, 2019 sales were the lowest since 2014. We expect new car sales to slow down further in 2020, due to slower economic growth and less affordable vehicles.

La mejora en las condiciones de accesibilidad y la política de bonificaciones ofrecida, contribuyó a un nuevo boom de ventas en 2017. Estimamos que las ventas totales en 2018 llegaran a 950.000 unidades, apenas por debajo del récord de 2013, de la mano del repunte de la actividad y el empleo, y la apreciación real del peso.