
Colombian economy

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Juana Téllez participated in the Presidents' Forum of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce. The presentation contains the recent performance of financial markets, growth results, macroeconomic perspectives and the main medium-term challenges of the Colombian economy.

GDP growth for the second quarter of 2022 was 12.6% YoY, higher than BBVA Research's expectations and analysts' average. A slowdown in the economy is expected for the second half of the year, where the moderation of household consumption will play a central role.

Inflation in April was 1.25% on a monthly basis and 9.23% on an annual basis, making it the highest in the last two decades. Market analysts were surprised by the result, which was not only above the estimated average, but also above the maximu…

March monthly inflation was 1.0%, more than double its historical average (0.41% average between 2011-2019) and annual inflation was 8.53%, placing it above analysts' expectations (0.90% monthly according to the BanRep survey) and BBVA Research…

There are structural problems in the Colombian labor market, among these, female unemployment stands out, which is linked to different cultural and social aspects, then what must be done is to apply a series of measures to be able to reduce thi…

In LatAm, confinements have begun to be reduced and new infections showed lower levels, although they are still high. In Colombia there was an important reactivation of the economy in the third quarter. The recovery will continue, although at a gradual pace.

Leading indicators for the Colombian economy show that recovery is underway after the decline in the second quarter of the year, but work must continue on a structured reactivation policy in conjunction with the public and private sectors.

We are only a few weeks away from knowing who will be the new president of Colombia and little by little we will get to know the new economic cabinet. That is good news for the economy.

This week we received good news about the vision that the rating agencies have of the Colombian economy: Fitch Ratings maintained its BBB rating with a stable outlook.