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The Asian giant's effectiveness in containing COVID-19 infections has borne fruit and economic activity began regaining strength during the second quarter, partly owing to the fiscal and monetary stimuli implemented by the authorities.

At the end of the Second World War a consensus was forged between the advanced economies of the world, led by the U.S., around the idea of seeking a world without barriers to trade in goods and services and capital flows. Thus, for decades, the United States adopted a policy of trade opening and promotion of global trade.

In November 2018, just before the last meeting of the G20 state leaders in Buenos Aires, the focus was placed on whether a communiqué would be issued (there was no such communiqué for the previous G7 summit) and if the meeting between the leade…

The annual and spring meetings of the IMF and the World Bank have taken the pulse of the global economy and assessed its prospects, risks and challenges. There were no surprises in the forecasts. The IMF revised its world growth rate forecast d…

The brief history of Trump’s protectionism has been an eventful one. In the first year of his term the US focused on the renegotiation of NAFTA, which is currently on hold. In his second year concentrated efforts above all on measures and threa…

The stagnation of global trade and the retreat of globalization have become a key issue across the world over the recent years. Both critics and supporters of globalization have spread their stance on it in academic and policymaking speeches. China and the United States are among the countries where trade support has been n…

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The US’ decision, just hours after the G7 summit, not to support its closing joint communiqué reaffirming the need for regulated, open multilateral global trade, may have come as a surprise to many, but it was not really surprising.

The ECB left the main lines of its forward guidance unchanged. Draghi did not sound much worried about growth moderation but vigilant on protectionism. There was no discussion on the next steps of monetary policy.