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The Chinese economy is experiencing structural rebalancing amid deep real estate adjustment. Due to the large-scale stimulus package, we believe the economy will bottom out in the near future.

Amid the weak economic activities in the past years, the authorities have promulgated a large size stimulus package to support growth that the market views as "China's Draghi moment" or "Chinese style QE".

Those who control the most powerful, smallest, and most value-added chips will have economic, political, and military hegemony in the 21st century.

The once-every-five-years Third Plenary Session of 20th Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) always has a potential to become a milestone moment in China’s history.

The EU Commission has recently announced the imposition of additional duties on Chinese EV imports. By examining the evolving landscape of China's EV exports and analyzing the impact of the newly imposed tariffs, the report aims to provide a co…

China’s 2024 May economic activity indicators continue to display an unbalanced economic structure with strong supply and weak demand, although retail sales mildly picked up.

The historically large China-US rate reversion triggered corporations to finance their businesses in RMB due to its lower funding costs compared to USD, which had been the historical norm for corporate financing.

We summarize the recent development of the Chinese economy and highlight the unbalanced economic structure. Risks include the housing market, geopolitics, deflation and unbalanced economic structure. We also analyze the ongoing fiscal and monet…

We summarize China’s Balance of Payments situation in 2023 post-pandemic time and compare it with the pandemic time; we also predict its trend in 2024.

Asian currencies accelerated their depreciating trend recently. This report aims to understand this phenomenon and assess the associated risks.

Bank performance in 2023 was affected by a lackluster macro environment, primarily due to the downturn in the property market. Bank's housing sector exposure declining, but risks from local government financial vehicles remain concerning.

We summarized the recent Chinese economic development as well as policy outlook in 2024. We also highlight the March 2024 "Two sessions".