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A few months ago, the OECD warned that the recent pension reform was unlikely to prove sufficient to fully balance the system. Rather, it said it would increase expenditure more than income, thereby requiring the government to take further steps.

The increasing longevity of the Spanish population, together with the progressive delay in entering the labor market, poses a challenge for the welfare state, but also an opportunity for society.

After a long working life, in the collective imaginary is to retire with dignity and move to a quiet place and with good weather: sun, sea, beach, etc. Not everyone will achieve this idyllic dream, but there are a group of people who are doing …

In 2020, there were 35,046 Baby Boomer retirement migrants residing in Mexico. More than half are from the U.S., followed by Spain and Canada, 3 out of 5 are men, 4 out of 5 are between 60 and 79 years old, more than half have bachelor's, speci…

At BBVA Research, we believe that the so-called Austrian backpack could help ensure compliance with the EC's recommendations. The main reason is that it would reduce the uncertainty surrounding dismissal costs and, with the right design, encour…

The recommendations of the Pension Commission of the Spanish Congress (Pacto de Toledo) are a good starting point for addressing gradual changes in the system, but they are not enough to ensure its sustainability. If the appropriate measures are not taken, the recommendations have the potential to imbalance the system.

At the start of the COVID-19 crisis the Spanish public pensions system had already suffered from a chronic deficit. Since 2011 it has exhibited an imbalance, which amounted to around EUR 18 billion—1.4% of GDP—in 2019. There is little doubt that this economic crisis will be the most intense since World War II.

The reform proposal is correct and constitutes a step in the right direction. The SHCP would propose adjustments to the current regime in order to increase coverage and replacement rates of IMSS pensions

The negotiation of the Spanish National Budget has restored the updating of pensions with the inflation for 2018 and 2019 and has delayed the entry into force of the Sustainability Factor (FS from its Spanish initials) until 2023. Although it w…

Pensions are again at the heart of an intense debate. Adjustment for inflation and the repeal of the 2011 and 2013 reforms are among the demands that are putting the sustainability of the system, and consequently the sufficiency of future pensi…

In the last few weeks, the debate on private savings as an instrument to supplement public pensions has again intensified. Although this has always been a topic for discussion and analysis, the recent cause was the royal decree that will enable the amount saved in pension plans to be redeemed after 10 years.

The public pension system is a fundamental pillar of the welfare state. And for it to continue being so, it is necessary to modernise it and adapt it to the changes being undergone by Spanish society. Fortunately more and more people are reaching retirement age and are doing so with a longer life expectancy.