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May is the month that more remittances are generally received, for Mother's Day, 17% more resources are received than other months of the year. The US Supreme Court of Justice determined that President Biden can end the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), known as “Remain in Mexico”.

Although the second wave of the pandemic is going to have a major impact on the European economy in the last quarter of this year, recent news items have painted a somewhat clearer picture of what is in store for 2021.

A cautiously positive attitude might be more adoptable regarding the short-term Sino-US relation; however, for the long-term perspective, we do not have sufficient reasons so far to deny any pessimism on the bilateral relationship going forward.

Preliminary results from the 2020 general election map a trajectory in which Democrats have narrowly flipped the “blue wall” states which went to Trump in 2016 and created a buffer by winning Nevada, Arizona and Georgia.