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In 2025, the Galician economy could report a 6.4% increase in GDP per capita when compared with 2019, the largest advance within Spain. This brings the autonomous region one step closer to converge with the country as a whole.

Since the beginning of 2020, the loss of purchasing power, measured by the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), has been almost 20%.

Benefited by falling prices, especially energy ones, and lower interest rates, the Spanish economy is holding up better than expected. The distribution of regional growth is centered on the touristic regions and/or the ones producing high value…

The global economy is heading into a year full of political and geopolitical uncertainties that may have a considerable impact on confidence and economic policies.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently published its updated global forecast with an upward revision that reflects moderate optimism for this year, plagued by geopolitical uncertainties.

The economy in general should start 2024 much stronger than expected a year ago after outperforming expectations in 2023. The risks facing the global economy must not materialize for the year to end up better than expected a few quarters ago.

In this Presentation, we explain how geopolitics is becoming a key economic driver in the change of global value chains and the opportunities this brings to Mexican manufacturing production as well as exploring the regional investment opportunities in the country.

The Spanish economy delivered a strong performance throughout the first half of 2023, on the back of a gradual recovery in industrial activity within certain regions of Spain, coupled with an increase in exports, particularly of services, with …

The outlook is particularly uncertain, combining slowdown with disinflation, a hangover from two major shocks (COVID-19 and war in Europe) and divergent cyclical trends among the three major global economies.

The European Central Bank (ECB) had to make a decision in difficult circumstances on Thursday, amid strong financial market turmoil and with the banking sector in the eye of the storm. It raised rates by 50 basis points to 3.50%.

We study the transmission of monetary policy shocks using daily consumption, corporate sales and employment series. We find that the economy responds at both short and long lags that are variable in economically significant ways.

Monitoring and forecasting inflation in Europe in recent quarters has been a real headache for analysts, with continuous upward reviews due to a steady succession of unforeseen shocks that are not down to typical demand or oil price pressures.