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The size of Spain's public sector and its impact on economic growth is a controversial issue, with opposing views and biases that can affect the interpretation of the evidence.

The world economy outperformed expectations in 2023, especially considering the outlook in the early part of the year and the shocks it faced.

Central banks have gone to great lengths over the past two years to rein in inflation and reiterate their commitment to achieving price stability.

There are some positive signals in 2023 Q3 GDP today, together with September economic indicators, suggesting the economy might pass the worst amid policy support.

This year, investment in Mexico has experienced notable growth. Between January and July, it grew 20% compared to the same period of the previous year.

The outlook is particularly uncertain, combining slowdown with disinflation, a hangover from two major shocks (COVID-19 and war in Europe) and divergent cyclical trends among the three major global economies.

Recently, the data on gross fixed investment as of March was released. This indicator grew at a monthly rate of 0.5% and 8.8% with respect to the same month of the previous year.

In the first quarter of the year, 423K jobs were created, the best result since 1998, representing a growth of 9.8% QoQ. In March, 136K were created, which is equivalent to a monthly growth of 0.6%, higher than that of the last two years for a …

Following a series of more aggressive 75 bp hikes at previous meetings, last week the ECB raised interest rates by just 50 bp, following in the footsteps the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England. In doing so, it is trying to strike the right…

Inflation has returned and has done so at rates not seen for decades in most developed economies. Spain has not remained unaffected by this episode of global inflation.

Comentarios a la conferencia de T. Kehoe, "Latinoamérica: Riesgos y desafíos en un contexto desafiante", presentada en la convención 56º Convención Bancaria, "Construyendo oportunidades para todos", organizado por Asobancaria en Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

The economy slowed in 4Q21 (2.2% q/q), but the composition of demand was virtuous. Specifically, growth was supported, above all, by investment and exports. Thus, 2021 closed with an annual increase of 5.1%, confirming BBVA Research forecasts