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In 2024, the Spanish economy presents a heterogeneous outlook, with different autonomous communities showing significant variations in their growth prospects. In this quarter's BBVA Research Regional Economic Outlook report we explore the most relevant economic trends and challenges for this year and next.

Colombia faces a year of economic challenges and opportunities, marked by factors such as the slowdown in inflation, the increase in the minimum wage and the series of reforms being considered by Congress.

Recently, the National Government, through the DNP, approved a policy document (Conpes) to boost manufacturing over the next 10 years, with focus on increasing productivity and promoting technological change in the economy. This column summariz…

The Spanish economy presents a strange case in which growth and stagnation coexist. This is due to the divergence in the trends shown by services on the one hand, and industry, agriculture and residential construction on the other.

The Government presented the updated draft of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) 2023-2030, submitted for public hearing until September 4 and to be approved in June 2024. It includes 46 new or updated measures and incorporates an incr…

Industry is holding firm, investment is rising and the summer promises record growth in Spain, all of which has delayed the expected fall in GDP — at least until the end of September. Nonetheless, a number of factors continue to stoke fears of a recession.

In this presentation, we show the modeling strategy proposed by BBVA Research to identify bottleneck shocks, differentiate them from other supply-side shocks, and calculate their impacts on the European and Spanish economies.

The COVID-19 crisis has severely disrupted value chains. Not only during the onset, but also in recent months. In light of this, BBVA Research has significantly revised growth forecasts downward.

GMM and K-means allow us to produce classification systems to evaluate industry performance, analyze state economic resiliency, and assess MSA sustainability. Our industry classification system (ICS) helps identify common patterns and the impac…

A generalized fall, but still with opportunities. The sectoral structure has been maintained despite the economic contraction. Sectoral mix sets the tone for state performance.

Services decelerate and industry falls in 2019. Foreign Direct Investment in the Southeast, USMCA will boost Bajío and North.

EZ GDP growth is expected to slow slightly further to 0.1% QoQ in 2H19. Available data so far show worsening exports, especially those to other EU countries, and industrial output. There are further signs on more moderate consumption and subdued investment despite improving labour market and favorable financing conditions.