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América del Sur pasa actualmente por un proceso de marcada desaceleración. Seguimos viendo un deterioro más o menos generalizado de los indicadores de confianza en la región —con la notable excepción de Colombia—, tanto de familias como de empresarios, ligados en su mayor parte a factores internos.

The monetary authorities in Brazil and Mexico maintained their monetary policies, in both cases in line with market expectations. In the case of Brazil there was a cut of 50 basis points, leaving the SELIC at 10.5%, while in Mexico the rate rem…

The inflationary surprise in Mexico follows those last week in Chile and Colombia, thus it freezes the enthusiasm to reduce interest rate. This fact was confirmed by the decision of the Central Bank of Peru where interest rate remains unchanged…

Monthly Inflation in December was higher than expected in Chile and Colombia, meanwhile in Peru and Brazil figures were in line with expectations

Latin America will grow by 4.4% in 2011 and somewhat below this figure in 2012 (3.7%).