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In commemoration of International Earth Day, we present an analysis of the current water situation in Mexico. This analysis highlights the geographical, sectoral, structural, and temporary characteristics that have given rise to the current water crisis in the country.

The BBVA Multidimensional Manufacturing Indicator fell (-)1.2% YoY in March (the third consecutive drop so far this year), confirming the prolonged slowdown of the sector, given the gradual slowdown in external demand for durable goods.

The average real wages of formal workers in Mexico have shown notable growth, accompanied by a significant improvement in workers' purchasing power, especially in the lowest income deciles, which indicates progress towards lower wage inequality.

Formal employment in Mexico showed null monthly variation in March 2024, reflecting a more pronounced slowdown than expected in the year's first quarter. In March, it grew below expectations, partly attributable to the effect of Easter.

The BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator reported a drop of (-)1.1% MaM in March, with real figures adjusted for seasonality; by components, the greatest slowdown was recorded in the services segment (-2.0%), while the consumption of go…

We present a summary and analysis of the most relevant developments and publications in Mexico's financial regulatory landscape.

By the end of 2023, the Mexican economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2%, with an extraordinary growth of 15.6% in construction and differentiated effects at the regional level. The dynamism of services underpins growth in 2023; Wholesale and Retail grew 3.9% and 4.1%, respectively.

In February 2024, the balance of traditional bank deposits (sight + term) registered a real annual growth rate of 5.8%, while the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector (NFPS) rec…

At the end of 2023 we find opposite results in the Real Estate market. Construction presents historical results, growth rates well above the average in different indicators. The housing market is contracting with figures as of November 2023. In…

In November 2023, remittances to Mexico had an increase of 1.2%, for the month of December it was 2.2%, during the first month of 2024 they increased by 3.1%, and the last data, which corresponds to the month of February, was of 3.7%. Thus, in …

This press article contains some indicators from the point of view of consumers, and public and private companies related to the reduction in the use of cash in Mexico after the pandemic and mentions some of its challenges.

Though nearshoring represents a great opportunity for the Mexican economy, it requires an environment that guarantees the reduction of logistic and production costs characterized by legal certainty, financial facilities and economic policies that align the incentives of foreign investors and national actors.