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This Working Paper contributes to the existing literature by examining the welfare implications of degrowth. We use an environmental Dynamic General Equilibrium (eDGE) model, calibrated to replicate the most relevant macroeconomic and environmental features of Spain.

The 2021-2023 pension reform has resulted in a system that will be more generous, but less contributory and self-sufficient, as social security contributions are not able to finance the higher expenditure on pensions.

Despite the quarter's negative seasonality, both the number of jobs (up 0.5% quarterly CVEC) and hours worked (up 0.3%) increased. Furthermore, the rate of temporary employment and the unemployment rate both fell (to 16.1% and 11.7% CVEC, respe…

This Observatory evaluates the factors that explain the cyclical behavior of GDP in Spain, full-time equivalent employment and productivity up to 4Q2023.

This Working Paper analyzes the evolution in regional revenues and expenditures, the sector’s budget balance and its debt stock from 2003 to the present.

The GDP of the Canary Islands will increase to 2.6% in 2024 and 1.6% in 2025, which will allow it to create 49,000 new people in the community in those two years.

Retail electricity prices are adjusted in response to fluctuations in wholesale markets, shaped by the regulatory policies of each country and, where relevant, consumer willingness to pay a premium to mitigate price volatility.

Keeping up with the twin digital and green transition while coping with an aging population and the retirement of the baby boomer generation calls for the astute and successful management of migratory flows, which will drive employment from 202…

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

GDP in Castile and Leon could increase by 2.0% in 2024 and 1.8% in 2025, which would create 27,000 new jobs in the region in the biennium

The GDP of the Balearic Islands could increase by 2.5% in 2024 and 1.7% in 2025, which would allow the creation of 28,000 new jobs in the region in the biennium

According to BBVA card and POS data, during Easter 2024, total tourist spending fell 2.2% year-on-year compared to the same holiday period last year.