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The size of Spain's public sector and its impact on economic growth is a controversial issue, with opposing views and biases that can affect the interpretation of the evidence.

In this Working Paper, we analyze the effect of government size on social welfare and GDP per capita growth for the sample of 36 OECD countries in the last six decades.

A few months ago, the OECD warned that the recent pension reform was unlikely to prove sufficient to fully balance the system. Rather, it said it would increase expenditure more than income, thereby requiring the government to take further step…

At the Forum "Colombia's Social challenges" a summarised version of the report "How is the social situation of Colombians?” which analyses variables related to the social situation, characterises the main poverty figures and concludes with the …

A description of the social situation of Colombians, not only with figures on poverty and income, gender gaps, labor market, among others, but also identifying its determinants, their performance and some policy proposals to achieve a better so…

Both the processes of financial inclusion and digitalization have great potential for dissemination in LATAM, both of which are key to promoting well-being and productivity in the region.

In 2015, 54% of the population had basic or advanced digital skills in Spain, compared to 57% in the EMU. Four years later, the figure reached 57%, one percentage point less than in the wider EMU. From 2019 to 2020, the figure in Spain rose to 60%—still far behind the 80% target set by the 2025 Digital Agenda.

Equal educational opportunity and the development of human capital are two of the main keys to economic progress and social welfare — if not the most important. In the face of the digital disruption that is underway, knowledge, skills and compe…

Speaking at South Summit 2021, held in Madrid from October 5 to 7, Jorge Sicilia argued that innovation and entrepreneurship are key to healthy economic growth and enhanced well-being.

The empirical evidence on the minimum wage provokes a heated debate on its increases and the need to differentiate it according to age and work experience, or region.

Despite the significant improvement in per capita income in Spain over the last few decades and the considerable resources the public sector has dedicated in trying to reduce the differences between the country's regions, the result in terms of regional convergence is not completely satisfactory.

The Spain 2050 strategy establishes a broad and useful set of objectives on which social consensus and state pacts can be built, as well as measures to achieve them.