
Economic Growth & Inequality

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In commemoration of International Earth Day, we present an analysis of the current water situation in Mexico. This analysis highlights the geographical, sectoral, structural, and temporary characteristics that have given rise to the current water crisis in the country.

This Working Paper analyzes the evolution in regional revenues and expenditures, the sector’s budget balance and its debt stock from 2003 to the present.

The Spanish economy continues to grow, and has even accelerated in recent months. However, it does so with investment flagging, despite the support provided by the steady flow of resources from Europe.

This press article contains some indicators from the point of view of consumers, and public and private companies related to the reduction in the use of cash in Mexico after the pandemic and mentions some of its challenges.

Benefited by falling prices, especially energy ones, and lower interest rates, the Spanish economy is holding up better than expected. The distribution of regional growth is centered on the touristic regions and/or the ones producing high value…

The world's attention in recent months has been focused on the decisions of the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed), geopolitics—especially the conflict in the Middle East—and activity in China. Little attention is paid to Latam, and there is scarcely talk of its economic policy or the dynamics of its activity.

Today, March 21, marks 30 years since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) entered into force. To mark the occasion, we take stock of the key events and actions that have shaped the international climate agenda.

The way some economic policy measures are designed results in unnecessary increases in production costs in Spain, hinders companies' growth, discriminates between individuals in similar circumstances, leads to lost tax revenue and can even affe…

This press article provides advice on some general considerations that must be taken into account when investing in financial assets.

A comparison of Mexico's GHG emissions with the world is presented, highlighting that the country has increased its emission intensity per unit of GDP since 2019, possibly due to its current energy policy. The influence of the population factor…

The global economy is heading into a year full of political and geopolitical uncertainties that may have a considerable impact on confidence and economic policies.

The Spanish economy is faring better than anyone expected a few months ago. And despite high interest rates, held back by a European economy that has been stagnant and amid heightened uncertainty surrounding economic policy. With all this, GDP growth in Spain (2.1%) still looks set to outstrip the overall eurozone (0.7%).